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Instruction Documents
LARC Lab instruction documents and video tutorials on how to use lab resources
Adobe Premiere
A powerful video editing tool, allow you to edit your video in many ways
- General Adobe Premiere Instructions
- Blurring
- Cropping
- Adobe Creative Cloud: Online Tutorial
- LARC Video Tutorials:
Using iMovie
How to record, edit and publish in iMovie that allows you to create and edit a movie
easily on a Mac
Recording in Zoom
How to get your SDSU ID, access your zoom account and record
How to record using Skype and then uploading onto Moodle. Skype is set up in the Mac
lab to record your calls automatically, both audio and video.
Adobe Audition
Using Adobe Audition, you will be able to record and edit multiple tracks at same
- Download Adobe Audition Instructions
- Download Adobe Audition Multitrack Recording Instructions (PC Lab SH204)
Garage Band (Mac)
With Garage Band on the Mac you can repeat phrases from an audio file and playback
the recordings side by side. You can also edit audio tracks for movies
Wave Surfer (PC)
Wavesurfer enables to recognize and produce tones in Chinese
Adobe Creative Cloud Tutorial
How to record using Skype and then uploading onto Moodle. Skype is set up in the Mac
lab to record your calls automatically, both audio and video.